වැල්ලවත්තේ ගොඩනැගිල්ල කඩා වැටීමේ සිද්ධිය - C.C.TV දර්ශන | දිනමිණ

වැල්ලවත්තේ ගොඩනැගිල්ල කඩා වැටීමේ සිද්ධිය - C.C.TV දර්ශන

අදහස් 1ක් ඇත

• After reading the articles related to the building collapse and the problems related to construction fields I thought to write these ideas where there are mistakes in many sectors today in the construction field when a person wants to find a suitable contractor it is always difficult. • This field is corrupt with unqualified people and there are many incidents taken place where small contractors have disappeared with the advances even before starting the buildings. • I think the best could be to have a registering system and also a grading according to the qualifications and the field experience and when someone wants to start a building he will have full details about whom to select and how to approach. • You must also be able to describe if Company XXXX is grade A, the services available and their capacity. Ex; Civil Engineers supervision, Pilling, Ready mix supplies, Scaffolds and other facilities…Etc • Another solution is to divide the construction to separate sections. Ex; Contractors will first join with solutions and quotations for Pilling or Foundations and the owner will have the best idea to start the construction. I think we must put all these problems on the table and discuss. Thanks, Ameer Hisham

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